13th Annual European Data Protection & Privacy Conference 2023

The 2023 edition of the European Data Protection & Privacy Conference focussed on exploring the challenges, successes, and lessons learned regarding tech regulation over past few years, and discussions on how all stakeholders in the data privacy realm can continue to work towards a future where privacy remains a cornerstone of our data economies and societies.

Topics of discussion revolved around the growth of GDPR and what it had achieved, the promotion of data flows and privacy innovation, alongside privacy in an AI era, and the protection and preservation of privacy for democracy.

Speakers of the 2023 edition included:


Didier Reynders

Commissioner for Justice, European Commission


Mathieu Michel

Secretary of State for Digitization, in charge of Administrative Simplification, Privacy and Building Administration
Federal Government of Belgium

olivier micol

Olivier Micol

Head of Unit, Data Protection, DG Justice
European Commission


Bruno Gencarelli

Head of Unit, International Affairs and Data Flows, DG Justice
European Commission


Clarisse Girot

Head of the Data Governance and Privacy Unit

*Positions & organisations at time of conference

12th Annual European Data Protection & Privacy Conference 2022

The 2022 edition of the European Data Protection & Privacy Conference focussed on the various European initiatives that aim to fulfil the block’s privacy and data sovereignty ambitions.

Topics of discussions revolved around reflections on the intersection of the GDPR with the numerous digital files that have been introduced, debated and adopted in the past two years; considerations for privacy in the context of AI governance; how synergies can be created between different data privacy rulebooks worldwide and finally a focus on how our understanding of privacy may evolve as future technologies, such as the metaverse, emerge.

Speakers of the 2022 edition included:

Didier Reynders

Didier Reynders

Commissioner for Justice, European Commission

Grant Harris

Grant Harris

Assistant Secretary of Commerce, Industry and Analysis, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce

Aleid Wolfsen

Aleid Wolfsen

Deputy Chair, EDPB

Joe Jones

Joe Jones

Deputy Director - International Data Transfers UK DCMS

Karolina Mojzesowicz

Karolina Mojzesowicz

Deputy Head of Unit Data Protection, European Commission

*Positions & organisations at time of conference

11th Annual European Data Protection and Privacy Conference 2021

The 11th edition of the European Data Protection & Privacy Conference took place fully virtually, and debated and discussed the most pertinent and timely data privacy issues through interactive panel discussions, speeches and interviews. It attracted more than 450 cross-sector delegates. This edition focussed on how Europe can re-ignite trust in digital technologies as we live in a society that is increasingly data-driven. 

Key themes discussed:

  • Re-igniting trust in digital technologies in a data driven society
  • What is needed to improve and bolster the GDPR
  • The intersection of data privacy and competition in the platform economy
  • Artificial intelligence and the creation of data spaces for the public good
  • What the future holds for international data transfers
  • Striking the balance between the right to privacy and the protection of children online with the e-Privacy derogation.

Speakers of the 2021 edition included:

Vera Jourova

Vĕra Jourová

Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, European Commission

Marjan Dikaučič

Marjan Dikaučič

Minister of Justice, Slovenia

Éric Dupond-Moretti

Éric Dupond-Moretti

Minister of Justice, France

Kent Walker

Kent Walker

President, Global Affairs & Chief Legal Office, Google

Andrea Jelinek

Andrea Jelinek

Chair, European Data Protection Board

Juan Fernando

Juan Fernando López Aguilar

Chair of the LIBE Committee, European Parliament

*Positions & organisations at time of conference

9th Annual European Data Protection and Privacy Conference 2019

After a pivotal year for data protection and privacy in both the EU and globally in 2018, The 9th European Data Protection and Privacy Conference returned to Brussels in March 2019 and explored the extent to which the power of data could truly be harnessed through trust and responsible use in order to deliver economic growth and societal benefits. It also debated how an international system based on shared principles and ethics might be developed – all in the context of increasing technological innovation, on-going regulatory discussions in the EU around digital evidence and ePrivacy, and other global political developments.

Speakers of the 2019 edition included:

Vĕra Jourová

Vĕra Jourová

Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, European Commission

Mariya Gabriel

Mariya Gabriel

Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, European Commission

Yeong Zee Kin

Yeong Zee Kin

Deputy Commissioner, Personal Data Protection Commission, Singapore

Andrea Jelinek

Andrea Jelinek

Chair, European Data Protection Board

Peter Davidson

Peter Davidson

General Counsel, US Department of Commerce

*Positions & organisations at time of conference

8th Annual European Data Protection & Privacy Conference 2017

Timed with six months left before the GDPR entered into force in May 2018, Brussels’ premier annual data privacy gathering discussed the challenges and opportunities that had arisen during the implementation period of the regulation, as well as explored more broadly the future of data protection and privacy in Europe post 2018, in the context of technological innovation and global political developments.

Key Topics discussed:

  • Data Protection and Privacy: What’s next?
  • Protecting Privacy: Facilitating international trade
  • Protecting Privacy: Facilitating law enforcement cooperation
  • Implementation and compliance with the GDPR in a digitally transformed society – Beyond 2018
  • Data-Protection in the Smart City ecosystem
  • The ePrivacy Regulation: An appropriate regulation for an innovative digital ecosystem?
  • Data Protection and Privacy: A fundamental right for users, a myriad of opportunities for developers

Speakers of the 2017 edition included:

Vĕra Jourová

Vĕra Jourová

Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, European Commission

Speaker 2017

Giovanni Buttarelli

European Data Protection Supervisor, EDPS

Speaker 2017

Urmas Reinsalu

Minister of Justice, Republic of Estonia

Speaker 2017

Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin

Chairwoman, CNIL and Article 29 Working Party

Sippel 2017

Birgit Sippel

MEP & Coordinator of the S&D Group in the LIBE-Committee, European Parliament

*Positions & organisations at time of conference