After a pivotal year for data protection and privacy in both the EU and globally in 2018, The 9th European Data Protection and Privacy Conference returned to Brussels in March 2019 and explored the extent to which the power of data could truly be harnessed through trust and responsible use in order to deliver economic growth and societal benefits. It also debated how an international system based on shared principles and ethics might be developed – all in the context of increasing technological innovation, on-going regulatory discussions in the EU around digital evidence and ePrivacy, and other global political developments.
Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, European Commission
Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, European Commission
Deputy Commissioner, Personal Data Protection Commission, Singapore
Chair, European Data Protection Board
General Counsel, US Department of Commerce
*Positions & organisations at time of conference
Timed with six months left before the GDPR entered into force in May 2018, Brussels’ premier annual data privacy gathering discussed the challenges and opportunities that had arisen during the implementation period of the regulation, as well as explored more broadly the future of data protection and privacy in Europe post 2018, in the context of technological innovation and global political developments.
Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, European Commission
European Data Protection Supervisor, EDPS
Minister of Justice, Republic of Estonia
Chairwoman, CNIL and Article 29 Working Party
MEP & Coordinator of the S&D Group in the LIBE-Committee, European Parliament
*Positions & organisations at time of conference
The adoption of the GDPR which came into effect in all EU Member States from May 2018, along with the agreement reached on the EU-US Privacy Shield and the review process of the e-privacy directive, were regarded as crucial steps towards a thriving digital economy and a successful European Digital Single Market. This year’s conference discussed the implementation of these rules and asked how organisations need to rethink their privacy and data protection policies. It also explored how data-driven innovation can be supported while preserving consumers’ and citizens’ privacy, as well as discussing the extent to which achieving a level-playing field for all market players is possible. Finally, it examined the new EU Data Protection rules within a global context.
Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, European Commission
Chairwoman, CNIL and Article 29 Working Party
Vice-President, European Parliament
Head of international data transfers sector, Office of Digital Services, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
Deputy UK Information Commissioner, UK Information Commissioner Office
*Positions & organisations at time of conference
The 2015 conference focused on the implementation of the new rules that were expected to be adopted by the end of 2015. It provided an opportunity for both policymakers and stakeholders involved to engage in a debate around compliance with the new regulation and directive and what the rules will mean for cross-border data flows and international trade in the context of the ruling by the ECJ on the US-EU Safe Harbour. It also examined how restoring individual’s trust should be balanced with the legitimate use of data by public or private bodies.
Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, European Commission
Minister of Justice, Luxembourg Government
Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission, US Government
Director, Fundamental Rights and Union Citizenship, DG Justice, European Commission
Director, Digital Society, Trust & Security, DG CONNECT, European Commission
*Positions & organisations at time of conference
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